Would you like to stop living life on autopilot?
¿Te gustaría dejar de vivir la vida en piloto automático?
What if you are here to make a difference?
"As a mindset and transformational coach, mentor & healer, I am here to assist others in releasing stuck emotions, neutralizing trauma, promoting healing, clear subconscious programming, finding the right path, getting out of the judgment of self, releasing stress, embracing their gifts, activating their healing capacities and empower with confidence and awareness."
¿Qué tal si estás aquí para marcar la diferencia?
"Como entrenadora de mentalidad, vida y de energía, estoy aquí para ayudar a otros a liberar emociones estancadas, neutralizar traumas, promover la sanación, aclarar la programación subconsciente, encontrar el camino correcto, salir del juicio sobre uno mismo, liberar el estrés, activar sus capacidades curativas e intuitivas y empoderar con confianza y conciencia."

Are you ready to step into your authentic self and true power?
¿Estás listo para dar un paso hacia tu yo auténtico y tu verdadero poder?
Life changes
Marriage, relationships, parenting, empty nesting, divorce, separation, or recovery from infidelity. Retirement, job loss or career change. Relocation, financial gain or loss. Illness or disability of self or loved one. Aging or death of a loved one.
Healing from trauma
Severe illness or injury, assault, traumatic loss. Being a victim of or witness to violence, early childhood trauma. Intimate partner violence or abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, medical trauma.
Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Highly motivated people with a desire to serve. Inner calling, living in abundance, passion over fear. Personal development and transformation. Life and soul purpose, conscious creation.
Sensitive Individuals
Healers, Empaths, Intuitives, Psychics, Mediums. Highly sensitive teens and adults. Highly creative and intuitive individuals. Inner child and shadow work. Soul retrieval and self love.
Choose your starting point / Elige tu punto de partida
Explore memberships, workshops, and healing sessions
Healing Sessions/ Terapias
Starting at $75
Negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and trauma can create disharmony and tension in your life. Reiki, Access Consciousness Bars, Open Heart Neutrality Therapy, or Intuitive Readings can reduce stress and return your body, mind & spirit to a healthy state.
Las emociones negativas, creencias limitantes y el trauma pueden crear desarmonía y tensión en tu vida. El Reiki, las barras de acceso a la conciencia, la terapia de neutralidad o las lecturas intuitivas pueden reducir el estrés y devolver a su cuerpo, mente y espíritu a un estado salud, claridad y tranquilidad.
Monthly Memberships
Save up to 50%
Monthly subscriptions for readings, healing sessions, online classes, special events, and exclusive content.
Suscripciones mensuales para lecturas, sesiones de curación, clases en línea, eventos especiales y contenido exclusivo.
Energy Coaching Programs
Various Options Available
1-on-1 Coaching sessions. Deep personal transformation, identify your inner guidance, resolve past issues to create a life of possibilities, remove fears and self-imposed limitations, embrace change with ease, and enhance the quality of life.
Sesiones de entrenamiento 1 a 1. Profunda transformación personal, identificar su guía interior, resolver problemas pasados para crear una vida de posibilidades, eliminar los miedos y las limitaciones autoimpuestas, abrazar el cambio con facilidad y mejorar la calidad de vida.

Get unlimited access to exclusive content. Sacred activations, live monthly healing sessions, readings and more when you become a member.
What clients are saying / Lo que dicen los clientes
Brenda Briscoe Dallas, TX
“I had a lovely session with Jannette a few days ago. It was one of the most relaxing therapies I have ever experienced. I felt like my body had melted into the table underneath me. A few days later, a clicking hip that I had had for a week disappeared, as well as the discomfort associated with it. I never even told Jannette about it. We focused on something else altogether, which also was addressed nicely. But my body knew what to do with the information she gave it, and did its own healing in its own way. I highly recommend Jannette”.
Dan M.
Lockport, IL
“I wanted to thank you Jannette for all of the healing, truth and light that you have brought to my life. My wife purchasing that Open Heart session for me to see you was truly one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I look forward to our remaining sessions and to the life that I now know I can live. Thank you so much!"
Chicago, IL
Linda N.
“I know when I did the 10 classes Mastering Intuition Program, it was best money I ever spent in my life. It was completely life changing! This is a great deal! I will do it again when I'm done to learn more and remove more blocks! I also want say those who have kids that this also affected my son in a very awesome way through me!”
Joy T.
Miami, FL
''I immediately loved Jannette's energy. It was positive and radiant. I had the pleasure to book a session and that one sitting I felt and saw the difference it had on me emotional, spiritually and physically. I totally recommend her for anyone that is having a challenging time, would like a cosmos tune-up and to learn''
Chris Ashville, NC
“ I worked with Janette through Reiki Levels 1, 2, and Master. I also did a 10-week 1:1 Intuition Coaching program. She introduced me to Access Consciousness Bars and many other sessions and group experiences that propelled my expansion. I believe I was guided to Janette when I had nobody in my life to help me with my Awakening. Janette gave me more gifts than I can count or mention here. I am proud to call her my friend, energy coach, healer, and overall FUN person to explore self-realization with. No matter where you may be on your path, Janette will be a gift and accelerator to your next unfoldment. ”
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